Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Mijune Pak Resident Judge on Top Chef Canada

Photo provided by Food Network Canada
Follow Me Foodie is probably one of the most well-known food blogs and the women behind it happens to be a Vancouverite, Mijune Pak. She always had an obsession with food and with a little encouragement from her sister, Mijune created Follow Me Foodie in July of 2009.

While completing her communications degree at SFU, Mijune put all of her spare energy towards her blog. For about 3 to 3.5 years, she published on average about 2500 word article a day. Not only did she publish every single day, all of her articles were well thought out and often involved 10 hours of work. This usually began with doing some research on the restaurant and chef before going in to eat and typing out her thoughts. I can barely get out two posts a week. Mijune hustled hard, so it really makes me happy to see that all of her hard work did no go unnoticed.

I love eating out hence why my blog and social media is often inundated with pictures of pasta, lattes and cakes; however, it is expensive, so I could not help, but be a little curious about how Mijune affords to eat out so often. I asked her outright and the answer did not surprise me.
I am passionate about food and it just became a part of my lifestyle. I saved every penny that I could to put towards my love of eating. 
Mijune has a sincere love and appreciation for food, both casual and it comes across in all of her writing. Over her 8 and a half years as a food blogger, Mijune eaten at around 25 of The World's 50 Best Restaurants collectively across all the years since it's been published. I also think Mijune needs to start competing in food eating competitions because this little lady can eat. The most she's eaten in a day was 46 dishes at 6 restaurants over 10 hours. Oh and she usually eats every morsel of food on her plate if she enjoys it, and her closest friends are happy to attest to it.  She's not a one or two bite eater. 

Top Chef Canada's latest season just premiered this past weekend and Mijune is back at the judge's table for a second season. So what is it like being on set?

5:30 AM | Wakeup & Shower

6:00 AM | Hair & Makeup

8:00 AM | Competitor's begin the Elimination Challenge

12:00 PM | Tasting the Competitor's Dishes

3:00 PM | Finish with Tasting

6:00 PM | Judge's Begin Deliberation

8:00 PM ~ 10:30 PM | Wrap-up for the Night

If you have watched Top Chef Canada - which you should do! - you already know that every episode opens with a Quick Fire Challenge which is then followed by the Elimination Challenge. The two challenges are filmed on two separate days, so Mijune only needs to be on set every other day for the Elimination Challenge. The first couple of deliberations can be quite long since there are a lot of dishes to consider which means they can be finishing as late as 10:30 PM, but as more competitors are eliminated, they can wrap up as early as 8:00 PM.

Mijune always looks on point on the show and I had to know if she got to keep any of the outfits. Unbeknownst to me, the majority of the dresses, all of the accessories and shoes were actually her own in the first seasonIn the second season about 1/3 were  her own, and all accessories and most shoes were hers as well. So what we saw in Top Chef Canada All-Stars was Mijune's own style which I would describe as chic, girly and elegant. I personally prefer skirts and dresses, so I have been fawning over her wardrobe.

Most people know Mijune's food obsession, but she also has a huge fashion interest. If you go back and re-watch season 1 and pay attention to Mijune. Every single episode she has a completely new look. Out of all the judges, Mijune spent the most amount of time in pre-looks. She got to work closely with the hair and makeup team and together, they came up with unique new looks.

Mijune is no longer the new kid on the block. The reboot was a major success last Spring, so for this season, Mijune's wardrobe was half her own and half picked out by the stylists. I honestly cannot wait to see what she wears this time and if I am able to discern her own personal pieces from the ones the stylist's chose.

Mijune's favourite dessert, the Candy Cap Ice Cream from Hawksworth
Before wrapping up my interview with Mijune, I had a few important questions to ask. Have you met my bae Gordon Ramsay? Unfortunately, not yet, but she has promised me that she will tell Chef Ramsay that I think he is amazing! Best dessert in Vancouver? For something casual, Mijune loves the double baked peanut butter and jelly croissants from Elmo Baking. Her favourite bougie dessert is  the CandyCap Ice Cream with Toasted White Chocolate, Toffee and Walnuts from Hawksworth.

I am not going to lie, I was a bit starstruck because Mijune Pak is one of the original food bloggers! After saying goodbye and leaving the restaurant, I remembered that I had not taken a picture with her, so I bashfully made my way back and meekly asked for a picture with her. Gosh I look hella derby hahaha

An awkward picture of me, but Mijune looks on point as per usual! 
Massive thank you to Mijune for making the time in her busy schedule to meet with me and I hope this is the first of many lunches together! Feel free to take me on any of your foodie trips!


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