Sunday, 27 September 2015

Chic Life | Red-Black Plaid - Canadian at Heart Always!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Hey Dolls! 

I am loving this fall because one of Fall 2015 trends is the classic iconic Lumberjack Canadian Red-Black Plaid! I guess it is my inner Canadian coming out! Nothing wrong with that because Plaid - especially flannel plaid is amazing! We all have had a pair of flannel plaid pyjama bottoms that we wore every night until it was ripped and tattered. Its just amazingly comfortable! 

Plus, the red-black plaid is the perfect accent piece in an outfit and practically goes with anything neutral. My favourite way to rock the red-black plaid is with dark blue skinny denims, white V-neck, pair of white converse, and my red-black plaid button up! A perfect outfit for every day errands and sitting in long lectures at UBC. 

Designers have taken the red-black plaid to a whole new level this season by incorporating it into handbags, shoes and even oversized coats! The options are endless! If your heart desires, you can wear red-black plaid head to two this fall 2015! 

One of my all time favourite store, Aritzia, is rocking the red-black plaid in multiple ways. Their classic flannel button-up, the one I own and love, is comfortable and well fitting. For this fall, Aritzia has released their amazing blanket scarves in the red-black plaid! Honestly, I would even use it as a throw accent for my bedroom in the winter. It would make my bedroom look so cozy as well an unexpected pop of colour! Aritzia has even took it one step further and used the red-black plaid to create an oversized jacket! How cozy does it look dolls?!?! Unfortunately my petite frame would be overwhelmed, but it would be so much fun to wear with a pair of classic camel timberlands and dark ripped denim! 

 One of my favourite designers, Giuseppe Zanotti, is using the plaid print in his iconic backpack silhouette. I have wanted this bag for so long and I want it even more now, unfortunately, it is on the higher end of the price spectrum, but someday! A more affordable route would be to go with Kate Spade. This design house is also rocking plaid multiple ways for the Fall 2015. From shoes to handbags and even chic ponchos, there is no shortage of the red-black plaid in their Fall 2015 collection! 

So dolls, what do you think? Is the Red-Black Plaid for you and what pieces are needing to add to your closet for the fall! 


Thursday, 24 September 2015

Edible Obsessions | Juice Truck

Hey Hey Dolls! 

I recently had the pleasure of meeting and talking to one of the co-owners of Juice Truck, Ryan! I also briefly met Zach, Ryan's partner in crime and the second mastermind behind Juice Truck. The entrepreneurial duo are some of the most down to earth, sweetest and coolest dudes I have met in a long time! Plus, they allowed me to pick their brain on what makes Juice Truck the amazing Juice Truck! 

I wanted to know what sparked the start of Juice Truck. How did the iconic Juice Truck come about? Considering when they started, Cold Pressed juice was only starting out in LA and New York. Vancouver had yet to even hear about cold pressed juice. The two have been best of buds for over 10 years, working many Summer's together at Zach's father's company. So it is no surprise they went into business together. But how did they start Juice Truck?

It actually came about quite organically. They both had been traveling together in Nepal and India. In both places they saw juice was such an integral part for the communities. In Nepal, SeaBuck thorn is commonly used to make juice as it contains many fabulous nutrients, Omega 3/6 as well as Vitamin C. It was so nutritious that many people in Nepal even used the Juice as a meal replacer. In India, the two noticed that juice actually brought communities together. Orange juice is commonly squeezed fresh roadside where people would gather about and drink it together. Juice is a nutritious and very affordable drink for the people. In fact, when Ryan and Zach were budgeting their daily food spenditure, fresh pressed juice was always included! 

When the duo came back to Vancouver, they wanted to bring healthy nutritious juice to consumers. After much research, cold pressed juice seemed like the best fit as it is the best method to preserve the vital nutrients and enzymes. 

Just a little on what it means to cold press juice versus regular juicing. Unlike other juicing processes, cold pressed juicers keep everything cool during the process. Why is keeping the fruit/juice cool so important? Enzymes are made of proteins that will denature when they are exposed to temperatures above their optimal range. Therefore, if you add heat to the juicing process, you are essentially killing off beneficial enzymes! Another big difference is that cold pressed juicers are very efficient at extracting the most amount of liquid possible. It is done through first grinding all the fruit/vegetables added to the machine into a pulp. The pulp is then pressed between two cooled pieces of metal. A process similar is how olive oil is extracted from olives! 

I was curious to know what was Ryan's favourite cold pressed juice. The Green Juice with Cilantro and Ginger is his go to drink! But we already know their current juices are fabulous and amazing, so did they ever end up making a juice while experimenting that was just downright awful? YUP! They did! It was cold pressed Durian Juice and practically no one could stomach it! So Durian is not cold press friendly! 

I hope you all got a little more insight on what makes everyones favourite cold pressed place, Juice Truck, so fabulous! I want to hear from you what is your favourite juice at Juice truck! 


Friday, 18 September 2015

Latte Moment | Exploring Beautiful Deep Cove

Unfortunately I do not have a great lens for my Nikon DSLR,
 so it did not capture the beauty that Deep Cove has to offer :( 
Hey Dolls

Yesterday, I went on an adventure in North Vancouver! I literally just set out on this adventure after my Nutrition lecture ended at UBC. I have only gone to North Vancouver once on my own probably about 5 years ago and it was to do the Grouse Grind with a friend. Needless to say, I did not know where I would be heading or how I would be getting there. Did I mention that I also do not have a car and that this adventure was completed via public transit!!!! North Vancouver does not have the best transit service. For example, the bus I took from the bus loop to Deep Cove only ran till 4:30 pm, it was also a long 30 min bus ride so it would be a long trek back to the bus loop! Thankfully, I was not alone in this adventure, my friend accompanied me who was also equally as clueless as me!

Our adventure started with taking the ferry bus across water way from Downtown Vancouver. It docked at the Query Market which was nothing too exciting to check out. After wandering the market for a mere 10 mins, it was time to find something more cool! I have been following a couple of shops on Instagram and they were based in the Deep Cove region of North Vancouver. That is what got me heading in that direction. Two bus rides and 50 mins later, we finally made it to Deep Cove! It is absolutely breathtaking. How have I never visited Deep Cove before? It is literally one small straight (two blocks) road that leads you to the most spectacular view ever. You have to go there to see it for yourself. The way the fog covered the tops of the forest covered mountains and how the water meets the mountains. I honestly was so upset that I had only ONE HOUR to explore, check out the shops and take in the beauty Deep Cove had to offer.

A'hoy Goods | Do you see all of the amazing Herschel swag! 
A'hoy Goods carries some of my favourite brands like Herschel. I kind of had a hard time not walking away with a new Herschel laptop sleeve or I definitely needed the Herschel duffel bag! As well as Nike, so many Nike sweats! And BIRKENSTOCKS! Definitely a store that is hipster at heart hehe 

Also, I am a sucker for Nautical inspired or related goodies. They have clutches made from the sails of boats - love that they are re-using, sustainability is so important! Plus so many Anchor decorations! I was a happy girl! 

A'hoy Goods | Yup, they had amazing vintage buoys outside their shop! 

A'Hoy goods really embodied the atmosphere at Deep Cove. It is an area that gives you a true appreciation for the outdoors. You must visit A'hoy Goods when you check out Deep Cove!  
Room 6 | Of course they had a cute cruiser bike outside their shop!
The adorable little Room 6 is an absolute treasure. Firstly, you sort of just gravitate towards their amazing stationairy wall – they had it all! Knot & Bow, Rifle Paper Co, The Confetti Bar plus stacks and stacks of Washi tape! Did I also mention the bin filled with rolls of Crepe Paper?!?! They also carry jewelry by local Vancouver-Based companies such as Foe/Dear (yup, I am obsessed with their 925 sterling silver stacking rings!). A few more nicknacks, some baby goodies and women’s clothes plus a crawling vine down the wall, this is a shop that you must visit! In my haste to see and do everything, I did not have time to pick up some cute washi tape and other goodies {so upset right now}

Room 6 | So much crepe paper! 
Room 6 | Look at all the roll of Washi Tape plus such adorable Knot&Bow sets!
I have been on Rowing teams for years and years. I have been the coxswain of the Men's Varsity Rowing team at UBC for 3 years! Needless to say, rowing was a huge part of my life! Naturally, I had to visit the Deep Cove Rowing Club! They were closed, but I got to take a peak inside the boathouse at the shells. Plus, I checked out the kayaking and paddling club right below it! I wish I had brought along some more kayaking appropriate clothes as it was a beautiful brisk day which really made me want to be out on the water to appreciate nature! 

Am I the only one who likes it when it is slightly cool outdoors so when you you take a deep breath, you can feel the cool fresh air full up your lungs? Just feel so refreshing! 

Visiting the Deep Cove Rowing Boat House! 
Oh how i wish I was out on the water Kayaking with the others!!! So beautiful out! 

Alright, I am almost done here! I know this is a bit of a crazy long post that has a lot of things going on. Sunny Side is a little shop known for its amazing teas. As well, they feature all local made goods! I am always a huge supporter of Local, so I was excited to visit this shop! Unfortunately, I could only spend five minutes in there as time was ticking away and it was not an option to miss the last bus out of Deep Cove. 

Sunny Side | All of these ceramics are made local by artisans! Loved the hanging planters! 

Sunny Side | The Yummy smelling loose tea at Sunny Side! 
The last and final shop I got to check out before making a mad dash for the bus was Honey Doughnuts & Goodies  .The cafe is a cozy place where you can enjoy soups and sandwiches and of course, their famous Honey Doughnuts! Unfortunately for me, they were sold out of their Honey Glazed donuts, but did have Maple Glazed. The dough is exactly identical, it is just glazed with maple versus honey. I am not exaggerating when I say their donuts are as thick as a big burger! They are much more cakier in texture and flavour then other donuts I have had before. I enjoyed it, but I hope I can try their famous Honey Glazed Donuts on my next visit to Deep Cove! 

Honey Doughnuts & Goodies | Maple Glazed Doughnut! 

This was my crazy adventure I decided to undertake on a whim after class yesterday! I do suggest you go earlier in the day as shops tend to close very early, in fact, Honey Doughnuts & Goodies was almost 2 hours prior to their posted closing time. As well, a lot of the shops along that small stretch are closed and will not open till next summer. I found it very odd, but I guess that is Deep Cove! 

Let me know what you thought about my adventure to Deep Cove and if you have visited it before! 


All pictures were taken by me. I apologize that they are not of the greatest quality. The foggy grey haze was completely throwing off the i also decided to wear blindingly white jeans which further skewed the colour! Plus I had only 1 hour!!!! 

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Edible Obsessions | Brunch at Ask for Luigi !!!!

Ask for Luigi's amazing Banana Bread with Fresh Whipped Butter drizzled with Caramel Sauce!
Hey Dolls!

Yesterday, I finally got to dine at the much talked about Ask for Luigi restaurant! I went in for their Brunch {my favourite meal of the day!} and it was a meal that I will remember for years to come. 

Ask for Luigi is in Rail Town area of Vancouver, a sort of isolated on its own restaurant. It is a small space, but that is what makes it so cozy, welcoming and charming. From the hand painted gold Ask for Luigi across the windows to the open kitchen concept, it is the little details that make this restaurant stand apart from others. The entire time I was in the restaurant, I was captivated by one of the chefs rolling out pasta! It was so cool how thin and long he got the pasta dough! 

To start, I had their house made Banana Bread with Fresh Whipped Butter drizzled with Caramel Sauce. Oh My GOSH! I have no words to express how delicious Ask for Luigi's Banana Bread is! The outer parts were crispy while the middle was moist. Dipping the warm banana bread into the salty creamy whipped butter with caramel sauce is a bite that will keep me returning to Ask for Luigi time after time. 

Along with my Brunch, I had a glass of Orange Juice. It was fresh squeezed which is always a plus! Means they are wanting to give their diners only the best! 

The Mind Blowing Pappardelle alla Bolognese & Fried Egg
I had the Pappardelle alla Bolognese & Fried Egg as my main course. They give me a sunny side up egg, so I broke the yolk to have it coat all of the pasta in creamy goodness! This has to be hands down the best Pappardelle alla Bolognese I have had! The pasta was perfectly al dente and the meat was super juicy. They added a little bit of red chilli flakes to the sauce which made the flavour bolder! I was so sad when I was nearing the end of my plate of pasta :( I kind of just wanted to scream NOOOOOO!!! I NEED MOREEEE! 

The Tagliatelle alla Carbonara & Poached Egg. It was great, but not as mind blowing as the Pappardelle
My friend had the Tagliatelle alla Carbonara & Poached Egg as his main. The pasta was again cooked perfectly al dente because pasta is what Luigi does! The sauce was a traditional creamy egg parmesan sauce with bacon bits. We both agreed it fell a bit flat in flavour as it just did not pack a good wow factor. So if you are thinking between the Pappardelle or the Tagliatelle --> Pick the Pappardelle as it is mind blowingly amazing!! 

I hope to return to Luigi's very soon!!! I also promise to take far more pictures such as the charming hand painted gold letting across the windows. I was just really focused on eating! And when I was done, I was happily full and just needed to savour that feeling! 

Let me know what your favourite dish is from Ask for Luigi and what I should try next!


Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Chic Life | Joggers ARE Life !!!

This Entire Outfit is from Aritzia whoops Love #myaritzia !!! Plus good ol Melu Juice in Hand! 
Hey Dolls!

Joggers are honestly LIFE! Probably my most favourite style to come about this year. I know joggers were around last year; however, they were more a relaxed style in the form of sweats that were made "appropriate" to wear on the daily. However, when I go out and go to class and run my errands, I like to look well put together, not wearing sweats. I think sweats should be reserved for when you are heading to the gym or relaxing at home during the cold winter days! 

This year, Joggers came back but in style! Joggers now come in beautiful patterns and textures as well as gorgeous textiles! My personal favourite being my silk joggers from Aritzia! #myaritzia hehe. I reserve those for special occasions and like to rock my cotton pairs on the daily! 

Joggers are comfortable and stylish. And effortlessly chic! They are really easy to wear for a formal event or just a lunch with the girls. Wear them with birkenstocks or pumps. Leather jackets, blazers, camisoles or crop tops. There are endless ways to rock a pair of joggers. 

Give me a shout if you see any cool pairs of joggers in town that you think I would love! 

Be sure to check out my blog to see all the fun and crazy things I am up to in Vancouver! #pinktealatte I love reading all of your comments and checking out what you dolls are up to!


Monday, 7 September 2015

Gurly's Life | September 2015 Goals

When I was setting up the picture, my cake from Nosh fell over, but now you can see the yummy layers of Pistachio and Chocolate!!! Love NOSH! 
Hey Hey Dolls!

Just a quick overview of my August goals first! 

AUGUST 2015 Goals:
  • blog 15x in August --> unfortunately it was a crazy busy month so I only got in 8 posts. 
  • Instagram 20x with quality pictures!
  • Have healthier eating habits - 3 meals a day with minimal processed food --> I kind of think I did achieve this on SOME days haha
  • GYM - just get my butt to the gym a few times a week   I got myself to the gym everywhere week!
  • Watch my Green Tea Latte intake as I seem to be going a bit crazy since I do get free lattes at work...  I definitely did cut down on my Green Tea Lattes!
Alrighty so these are my goals for September:

  • Blog 15x in September - I am already at like 5 posts so I can do this!!!
  • Instagram 25 quality pictures
  • Cook healthy meals at home to continue working towards a healthier diet
  • Gym 3x a week - I really just need a gym buddy!
  • Get a good part time job as I have completed my contract on my other job :( 
I really want to hear from you if you have any tips on how I can go about better achieving my goals. As well, what goals you have set for yourself! I look forward to reading your comments dolls! 


Sunday, 6 September 2015

Edible Obsessions | Melu Juice Mango Chia Pudding

Hey Dolls!

So as we all know, Summer is soon about to end which means all of the fresh fruit and tropical fruits are hard to find now :( My all time favourite fruit is the Mango. I can probably eat 10 Mangos in a single sitting if I wanted!!! Unfortunately, they are practically impossible to get your hands on now in Vancouver. Thankfully, Melu Juice had one last Mango Chia Pudding that they kindly reserved for me! 

I might be a little biased considering I have been having a Mango withdrawal, but I Melu Juice's Chia Pudding is genuinely phenomenal! I am always excited when I can find healthy treats that TASTE GOOD! So yes, now that I have discovered this, I most definitely will be having lots more in the future. 

Until we meet again next summer, a fond farewell to my beloved Mangos!!!! 


Saturday, 5 September 2015

Desk Goodies | Planner Junkie Stickers

Hello Dolls!

I am so happy my stickers from Planner Junkie Inc have finally arrived! It feels like I have been waiting forever, but the stickers came within 3 weeks. Still wish Etsy planner sticker sellers did not have such a long turn around time. My clothing orders arrive in 3 days via regular mail! 

All of these stickers were purchased with my own money and were not given to me by Planner Junkie nor am I being sponsored by her. These are my real opinions! 

These have to be far my most favourite stickers I have received! The print quality is phenomenal and the colours are so beautiful, vibrant and pigmented! You definitely get great sticker quality from Planner Junkie Inc. 

I ordered five sheets of stickers in total. I am happy with all of them! I do not think I will really use the half boxes in the "mermaid" colour scheme. But they are cool! Planner Junkie did a really great job at creating a glitter appearance! I cannot decide between the camera or ice cream stickers on which ones are my favourite. These designs are really detailed and I love that so much attention went into creating each unique design. 

Cannot wait to use these gorgeous stickers! I know the ice cream ones are definitely go quick! The little three scoop sundae cup is so cute! it has three different flavours of ice cream with a cherry and two wafer straws! Again, so much fabulous detail in each design! The cup even has little stars!!! I think I will be using the sundae cups to mark off Beta 5 Ice Cream socials! 

Be sure to check out Planner Junkie Inc and let me know which one of her designs are your favourite! 


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Savvy Student | Tips & Ways to Save Even MORE at the Aritzia Warehouse Sale

2 1/2 hours of waiting, 3 hours of shopping later, I emerged victorious with two bags of goodies! 
Hello Dolls!

Gosh, today has been an absolutely crazy day. Also I feel as though I have been blogging non-stop a bit. 

I attended the 2015 Aritzia Warehouse Sale this morning, September 3, 2015, and it was madness! I wanted close to 2 and a 1/2 hours in line to get in. Did I mention that the first half of the line is outside along the seawall and today is a cold day and even colder when you have the breeze blowing in from the water! 

In the post prior to this one, I teased you all about how I actually paid less for two items then their marked sale price. This is how and why!

BTW I had the most fabulous cashiers help me so they are the reason I got such a great bargain! Shout out to @zentaxx !! Cannot believe you found me on instagram without even knowing my name!!! 

1 | The Denim Top! The marked sale price was $24.99 from $75; however, I actually paid $10.00. Pretty crazy deal eh! It had a few tears on the back of the shoulders, probably during unpacking. I quickly checked on my phone if this shirt was meant to have tears, but the pictures did not show any. Since it is a denim top and a lot of denim tends to have the ripped style these days, it did not bother me much. Especially since in the winter I would be wearing a sweater over top so no one would even see rips.  

At the register, I simply showed the sales associates that the shirt had tears, but told them I am willing to pay $5 - always give a low offer first if you are trying to barter! - she countered with $10 so I said SOLD! Hehe

Its a really nice Denim Top from Aritzia and their quality is always fabulous. I do not mind if this top does not lasts me a year because I paid only $10 for it! 

2 | The gorgeous Milky White 100% Marino Wool Wilfred Cardigan Sweater. This sweater only had its regular price on it and not its "Sale" price. At the cash register I asked the Sales Associates what the price would be. She said all the Wilfred Sweaters are marked down to $59 dollars, but she would give it to me for $49! 

I do not know how or why she offered me $10 dollars off and if she even has the authority. All I know is that I got another $10 dollars off so I was happy and it seemed like a win win situation since they got to make a sale. 

Those are two scenarios in which I was able to save a total of $35 dollars MORE! So do not be shy to barter a bit because the hustle is generally worth it. This sale is so chaotic that I feel the associates are just tired and overwhelmed and Aritzia might just want to get rid of all their past season stock. 

Some TIPS I have in making your life easier at this sale as well as not so overwhelming are:

{1} Wear easy slip on shoes, tights/leggings and a tight tank. 

The changing room is just a space covered off and it is just communal. Girls just throw clothes on and off. I did not even go in the changing rooms this year because it is just a claustrophobic chaos zone. I just tried on clothes overtop my tights and tank. It worked out perfectly and I did not need to be standing amongst racks in my bra and panties. Unfortunately, the majority of the girls did not come with a plan and were just changing everywhere. The perimeter and the middle of the warehouse was turned into a changing zone for all the girls haha. I think I saw more boobies and butts then ever in my entire life. 
So if you do not want to be awkwardly trying on clothes in a crazy overwhelming warehouse where everyone can see you, wear something that allows you to try clothes overtop. 

{2} Bring a Re-Useable Grocery Bag

I did not do this; however, I have learnt from my mistakes and am now sharing it with you! 

Because there are a million clothes there and you kind of just want to go through all of the racks and just gather all the clothing you like prior to trying them on, you end up with a huge heavy bundle of clothes in your arms. It is NOT fun! You are in this hot overwhelming environment where clothes and hangers are just piled all over the floor amongst the racks and they have music just booming through the speakers. How are you suppose to find all the awesome deals when you have your arms full with clothes? 

I saw some pretty great McGyvering on some girls' parts. They decided to take the cardboard boxes which staff were unpacking clothes from and dragged the box behind them as they shopped. Some girls created a "chain/rope" by linking together hangers and hooking it to the cardboard box making it easier for them to drag it along. Other girls just simply awkwardly carried heavy boxes between the aisles. 

I luckily found a big bag and just stuffed all my clothes in their and carried it with me as perused the racks on racks. But I got LUCKY! You are going to be so happy that you brought a big bag along with you to use as while you shop! Your Welcome Hehe

{3} Bring a FRIEND! I waited for 2 and a 1/2 hours in line. That is a LONG wait. Having a friend to chat with makes the time go by so much faster. Plus, its always great to have a second opinion when you are trying to decide what to buy. 

{4} Check the WEATHER NETWORK! I had to wait more then an hour outside in the freezing cold this morning. I came prepared with a  raincoat and warm clothes as the weather network showed. Thankfully it did not rain when I was waiting; however, when I left the sale, it was torrential downpour. Imagine being stick in that for an hour! 

Let me know if you have any Tips or Tricks on making the most out of the Aritzia Warehouse Sale! 

As well PLEASE be nice to all of the staff at the warehouse sale. Just imagine how overwhelming and tiring it is for them to be literally bending down and picking up clothes from the floor and rehanging them over and over and over again - I know everyone of you who attends did contribute to the massive floor piles! So show them some love and they might just give you a better deal :) 


Chic Life | Aritzia Warehouse Sale 2015

Hey Dolls!!!!

If you follow me on instagram { #pinktealatte } you already know that I hit up the 2015 Aritzia Warehouse Sale! Aritzia is a Vancouver-based company; therefore, their main head office as well as warehouse is in Vancouver. Us Vancouverites are the lucky duckys who get treated to an annual giant warehouse sale. This is my third year attending and each year it has only gotten bigger and better. 

Today, September 3, 2015, was the first day of the Sale, doors opened at 7AM! HOLY MOLY that is early right? Well, I got up at 6:30am and sky trained it downtown, reaching the location around 7:30am. The line wrapped around the waterfront to the back of the convention centre..... and this was only the line outside. Once you finally got to the front of the line inside, you were allowed to go inside the Vancouver Convention Centre where there was an equally long line. Needless to say, I was in line waiting about an two to two  and a half hours..... Thankfully, there was a Starbucks from where I got my beloved Green Tea Latte. 

I got a total of 6 items coming out to $156. I think I did pretty well!!! Out of curiosity, I did ask the cashier how much girls were spending.... she told me the average person here was buying $500 to $700 today! MYGOSH! What are these girls buying?!?!?!

I literally took this pictures just now so please keep in mind I have been up since 6:30am and I am a super exhausted so I know I looked tired! But it is more so you can see what the clothes look like! 

I will begin with what I paid least for to what I paid the most for! 

I seem to be stretching the poor shirt out in this picture.... But its a super nice white T!

1 | A super cute white T-Shirt with the peace hand symbol on it. Regular $35. Paid $9.99

2 | Denim TNA Top with buttons 3/4 of the way down the front. Regular $75. Paid $10.00 

I am wearing the Blue V-Neck under my new Merino Wool Cardigan --> Number 6 on the list!

3 | a classic V-Neck, but made with really nice stretch cotton in Royal Blue. Regular $40. Paid $19.99 
I think I am pretty cool!
4 | A edgy black t-shirt that was mesh as sleeves. Regular $45. Paid $19.99

Okay, kind of a bad picture of the sweater top, put its a long top, long sleeve with the tie detail on the back. 
5 | A sweater top that ties in the pack with silk ribbon. It is missing the regular price on it and I cannot seem to find it on Aritzia's website. However, I did it see it in stores. My guess would be that it is somewhere between $75 to $105. I paid $29.99 !!!

6 | A butter soft merino wool sweater by Wilfred! It is in the Milk which is just beautiful. Regular $165. I paid.... $49.99!!!!!!!!! By far my best savings and a piece I am going to wear all Winter!

There is going to be a quick follow up post to this one in a couple of hours all about my Tips and Ways to get a better deal! I actually paid less for two items on this list from what their sale was written on the tag for. Can you dolls guess which two items they are? 

Let me know in the comments below what amazing deals you got at the Aritzia Warehouse sale and if you think I did super duper well! 


Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Chic Finds | Luxe Box Fall 2015

Hello Dolls!

I cannot even express to you how excited and curious I am to receive something in the mail. One way to put it is that I am a crazy person who practically stalks the mail man. Not literally though, but the moment I hear the mail slot open, I am bounding down the stairs! 

So this morning I received my 2015 Fall Luxe Box! It is one of my favourite things to unbox because all of the items are a mystery to me! I am so excited that I need to share this with you right away so here are the products I got! I am including my first impressions but it is not a full review as I have yet to really try and test the products out. 

So Susan | Lip Dome 2.5 g $12
     I received the full size in this product so yay! The packaging is gorgeous so it is going to be super tough for me to throw out the little box. This is a Cruelty-Free product!!! That always makes me extremely happy as I am a big animal lover. I received it in the colour Rhubarb Rouge, a stunning pink magenta colour. It also smells extremely yummy! The product is designed to be a lip plumper while also leaving your lips hydrated and tinted with the colour. 

Eyeko | Hydrogel Eye Patch 12g $18
     I received 1 set ( 3g ); therefore, you generally would get this product in a set of 4. Another Cruelty-Free product! You place the patch under your eye for 30mins. After removing, it leaves your under eyes more hydrated, firmer and diminishes dark circles. Squishing the packaging between my fingers, the patches seem to be cold. I am definitely looking forward to trying them out!

Caudalie | Vinosource S.O.S Thirst Quenching Serum 30mL $52
     I received a 10mL sample which is a really big sample size. It seems like a fancy product, made in France. The directions state to apply to your face and neck before you moisturize. Supposedly helps your skin absorb more water. Seems like an extra step in my morning routine that I would not do if I am up early. Curious to see if it actually delivers on hydrating my skin more. 

Illumalift | Illumalift 3.5g $35
    This product is suppose to be applied to areas on your face where you have deep lines or dark areas. As examples they suggest your under eyes, eyelids and around the nasal folds. It is a Made in Canada product. I received a small sample pan of the product. Its a creamy texture. Again, another product that I am curious to test out. 

pur~delicate | gentle soy milk cleanser & makeup remover 165mL $36
    In a past Luxe Box, I had received pur~delicate's face moisturizer and loved it. I am hoping I love the face cleanser just as much! I received a 30mL sample. 

Cite London | Nail Lacquer in Brocade Parade (black & silver glitter) 13.5mL $15
     I love polishes and Ciate London is a fabulous brand. I am a bit bummed it is a glitter polish. I just have never been a big glitter polish gurl. I will probably pass this polish on to a friend who will use it more then I will. 

Delectable | Ultra Nourishing Hand Cream 60mL $7
     This hand cream smells SOOO good. Its honestly like Coconut Cake. I received the scent Coconut & Cream which is perfect for me! It is a Canadian made Cruelty-Free product! Contains Shea Butter, Coconut Oil & Aloe Vera. This hand cream is paraben, GMO & sulfates free. I received the full size tube. Most likely going to be using this one up quick! 

I think Luxe Box ended up sending me an extra product as TRESsemme Perfectly UnDone Waves hair product is not listed on my little cheat sheet. It is a 45mL sample with a pump. I have short hair so it says to use 2 pumps to give you effortless waves. 

That is all of the items I got in my box dolls! Super duper excited to try them all out. Let me know what you got in yours if you got a Fall 2015 box. 

Use this link to get a discount on your first Luxe Box


Latte Moment | Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks will have REAL PUMPKIN?!

Hey Dolls!

My year round go to drink is generally the Green Tea Latte, extra hot with Whip of course! However, when the fall arrives and Starbucks brings back their famous and amazingly yummy Pumpkin Spice Latte, Green Tea Lattes just do not compare! In Canada, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is set to be released on September 8th. Gasp, I cannot wait to get mine! 

This year though, it is going to be a little different, a little more pumpkin to be exact. Starbucks has reformulated their recipe to include REAL pumpkin puree and are eliminating the artificial caramel colouring. They have assured their fans that the flavour will be the same, if not even better. It will still include the cinnamon and nutmeg spices which remind us all of pumpkin pie. 

I really hope Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte still tastes as amazingly delicious from the years past. It is going to be such a let down and disappointment if Starbucks does not deliver on flavour. We will not for sure dolls until we taste one on September 8th. I will most definitely keep you posted! Let the countdown begin!!!!


Tuesday, 1 September 2015

7 Lattes + Wishes | September Wishlist 2015

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 

Hey dolls! 

I cannot believe September is here meaning school :( however, it also means Starbucks will be releasing their delicious fall drinks so yay! Plus, my birthday is only getting closer! 

As it gets cooler out, I will be sipping on warm drinks so I need a cute mug! The "Good Morning Beautiful" mug from Indigo Chapters will bring a smile to my face every morning. Who does not want to be called beautiful in the morning! 

This season, we are seeing lots of lace up ballet flats. When I was younger, like most young girls, I wanted to be a ballerina. I found the ribbon wrapped around their ankles gorgeous. Now I can finally feel like a ballerina, a chic one of course! With a new season, it means I definitely need a new pair of Nikes? If a new pair of Nikes is what keeps me going to the gym, then it is definitely a good investment! 

Also on my September wishlist is a new plaid shirt because mine mysteriously disappeared. Plaid is just a big thing in Vancouver, maybe its our inner Canadian Lumbar Jack coming out. Speaking of plaid, how amazing is the yoga tote bag from As You Were Yoga. All of their products are made in Canada! You will be making a statement each time you go to yoga with one of their yoga totes. 

Two big fashion trends we are going to see in the fall are DENIM and Bucket Bags! The denim top from Aritzia is always a good bet as their quality is incomparable. As well, I think the pricing is really great. Some denim tops can reach upwards of $300! When I choose handbags, I opt for neutral colours. This allows me to be able to wear them with more outfits. The siege with the pop of coral in the tassel is definitely going to make a statement. 

What is on your wishlist dolls?

Be sure to check out my instagram #pinktealatte for more fun pictures and cool things in Vancouver!