Monday 4 January 2021

2020 a Hell of a Year

2020 was one hell of a year. A year of fear. A year of weird. A year of loneliness. A year of yearning. A year of anxiety. A year of learning. A year of rediscovering priorities. A year of changing expectations. A year of opening my eyes to new possibilities. 

It has been a year of so much uncertainty; yet simultaneously educational. I lost my routines and my patience was seriously tested, but from it, I learned to adapt. I discovered that I could survive with much less. Now toilet paper will always be a vital necessity for me and something I CANNOT live without, but I can do without the daily overpriced caffeinated beverages. I am yearning for social gatherings and hanging out with my friends. I have been working hard to stay in contact with besties, but its just not the same. It is boring being holed up at home day after day! Despite it all, I am STRONG and CAPABLE of more than I think. 

There is so much about 2020 I want to talk about. All of the challenges I have faced and am still dealing with. But more than the tough parts, I want to discuss how 2020 bettered me as a person. How 2020 has opened my eyes so much and helped me focus on what is important. I want to cherish the little moments in my life because making memories is what gives meaning to my life. For awhile, I became fixated on getting the newest pair of shoes, sparkly jewellery and eating at the fanciest restaurants, but none of that matters because there is nothing fun or exciting about materialistic goods. 2020 has been refreshing and helped me cleanse myself of obsessing over shopping. I have started to spend my time and energy on new skills like pottery wheel and improving my photography! More to come! 

When they say life is short, it really is. A year is a large amount of time for me and I feel like there is so much I wanted to do that I could not. So as soon as the world heals, I plan on hopping on a plane to LA to enjoy the warm Cali sunshine on my face. I am going to run down Main Street Disneyland with my sparkly Mickey ears and stuff my face full of pineapple dole whip from the tiki stand. This time in LA though, I plan on spending a few nights at a dreamy AirBnB along the Venice Canals because it is seriously magical there! After getting a soft caramel glow in LA, I want to make my way north to Portland because I have never been. Surprising for a Vancouverite, but there is no time like the present. Portland is where I want to eat and eat and eat and eat some more! That will be trip number one and there surely will be more adventures to follow! 

In 2021 and all the years to come, I want to cherish the little things in my life. I want to continue living my life MY WAY and not by the expectation of others. I am my own individual and my happiness is not determined by others. I want to compare myself to others less. I am grateful for the opportunities and things I have in my life. I have realized how little I need and I need to do what makes me happy. I hope the year ahead brings peace to the world. I hope we can all heal together and nuture each other to be our betterselves. Live your life! Savour it and be authentically you! 


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