Friday, 19 March 2021

Happy 6th Birthday Pink Tea Latte

Happy 6th Birthday Pink Tea Latte!

Since blogpost number one on March 16, 2015, I have published 391 posts. That is 391 creative original pieces written by me with photographs that I took first using my iPad Mini generation 2, then my parent's Nikon D 3200. I purchased my very first camera the Nikon D 5500 and upgraded to my current baby, Nikon D 750. A full frame beast that takes stunning pictures and probably remain my companion for years to come. At this point, the Nikon D750 is essentially my co-contributor for Pink Tea latte because without pictures, my writing does not feel complete. 

Massive THANK YOUs and HUGS to each and everyone of you lovely amazing readers. 

Pink Tea Latte is 6 Years old and I cannot wait for all the adventures that are to come. 


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