Monday, 22 October 2018

The Udderly Perfect Stool at Krause Berry Farms

Puns have never been my thing, but this stool is udder perfection! I caught a glimpse of this work of art during my recent jaunt to Krause Berry Farms. It lives behind their wine bar, but as soon as it caught my eye, I could not resist the having an impromptu photo shoot inside Krause Berry's Wine Tasting Room. 

The staff probably thought I was weird, but come on, it is a spotted cow stool WITH PINK UDDERS. Yes, underneath the stool are four glorious pink teats. I tried to keep my pictures nonchalant; however, deep down inside I just wanted to perch on top and pretend to "milk" it. Super classy! 

I was not planning on writing a post about a hand-painted wooden stool that for the most part gets used as a step stool to reach wines from the top shelf. I had posted a picture to Instagram and to my udder - keeping the puns going - disbelief, everyone loves the stool too! Did I mention that this stool is one of two, the second is smaller; however, it too is painted to resemble a cow and features pink udders! 

Unfortunately Krause Berry Farms does not sell these stools. As I had mentioned earlier, this stool lives behind the wine bar, so most patrons never see it. I am a frequent guest at Krause Berry Farms and I too only saw it for the first time a few weeks ago. I do recall seeing a tag on the underside of the stool and the PR team is looking into getting some more to sell in their market as a lot of you showed a great deal of interest in purchasing one. Fingers crossed that they are able to locate the artist, so we can all have our very own milk cow udder stools because no home is truly complete without one. 


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