Monday, 11 November 2019

Discovering Canada's Coolest Artisans at Circle Craft

I have been meaning to attend Circle Craft for many years and finally made it out there for the very first time. Monday, November 11, 2019 is their final market day, so I want to get this post up ASAP so anyone curious can check it out. Over the years, I have visited several craft markets in Vancouver, but none of them come close in size to Circle Craft. 

I believe there are over 300 different artisans and makers from across Canada showing at Circle Craft. While you peruse the row upon rows of intricately crafted goods, a string quartet played joyous holiday music. 

There is so much to explore, from delectable jams and preserves to whimsical ceramics. I wish I had a million dollars because I would have purchased everything. The quality and craftsmanship were impeccable! Some of the artisans were fairly new, only dabbling in their craft for just over a year; however, their work was indistinguishable from those who have been honing in their craft for decades. I reckon Circle Craft must have a selection process and only accept vendors that meet a certain level of quality. 

It goes without saying that there were a lot of vendors that I loved, so it was tough to narrow it down. 

Originally a Vancouverite, but now residing in Toronto, The Otter Potter's glaze was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was as if her pottery was glazed in liquid Hallographic Opal. The picture just does not do it justice. She is a budding artist and I am looking forward to more glazed magic from her! 

Intricate hand-embroidered silk and gold are probably the most beautiful pieces of wearable art that I have ever laid my eyes on. The pieces are STUNNING and I swear the golden snakes looked as if they were straight from a GUCCI collection. Need I say more? Again, the pictures just do not do her pieces justice as the lighting indoors was atrocious. 

There are several glass artisans at Circle Craft, but Dougherty Glassworks was my favourite. I might be a bit partial to the glass pumpkins, but they are just so darn cute. They also make colourful glass barware and overall, I just loved their hipster down to earth vibe.

No market is complete without lots and lots of food and there was no shortage of yummy samplers at Circle Craft. I think my friend and I spent the better part of an hour getting our fill of food samples. No shame! Everything was good, but I only purchased one item hence why it earns a spot in this post. I picked up a packet of Pure Maple Sugar from Cosman & Webb, producers of pure organic maple syrup from Quebec. Also, can we take a minute to admire the packaging of their maple syrup? If you are wondering why I opted for the Maple Sugar and not the syrup, its because I like adding maple sugar to my morning oatmeal. 

These Volkswagon Van cribbage boards are seriously cute. I just fell in love with them. Do I play cribbage? Nope, but I came pretty darn close to picking one up. I love handcrafted items that serve a purpose. Now I regret not getting one. 

I had a fabulous time exploring Circle Craft. I probably spent nearly 4 hours exploring all of the vendors. The East Vancouver Culture Crawl is taking place later this week. Let me know if you end up going to Circle Craft and if you are going to East Vancouver Culture Crawl too.


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