Thursday, 3 August 2017

Gurly's LIfe | Wonder Woman and Beta 5 Win

I attend every single Beta 5 Ice Cream Social that I can as the flavours are always so creative and they are often only available for that one day only. As I love photography, I will submit my pictures for their weekly ice cream social contest.

Sometimes a picture turns out so well, you expect it to be a winner and that is how I felt about the picture I took of the Blueberry Sour Cream Sundae. The past images I submitted were good, but this picture was great and if I had not won, I expect the winning picture to have been mind blowing otherwise, Beta 5 was going to receive a strongly worded email from me. Fortunately my pudgey ice cream spoiled gut feeling came true. 

I was embracing my inner geek life by rocking my Wonder Woman comic book inspired retro graphic t-shirt which I got not too long ago from Hot Topic (you can still find it here!). I love the red trim detailing on the sleeves and the neckline as it makes the shirt feel a little more special than just a white graphic tee. The lighting was perfect, and my camera was cooperating. 

The best part, the picture turned out more epic than I could have imagined! I am totally going to be rocking my Wonder Women shirt more this summer. Also, if you have not seen Gal Gadot's Wonder Women, I urge you to do so as the moving was genuinely good. The acting was on point and the story was well executed. I really loved how well Gal portrayed Princess Diana's (aka Wonder Women) naivety when it came to the "real" world. As well, Wonder Woman is one badass character who is totally slaying the superhero movie genre while simultaneously empowering females.

You can keep up with my crazy daily adventures on instagram: @pinktealatte . I also love when you guys take the time to comment, so leave me a comment below or on my instagram. 


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