Monday, 14 August 2017

Local Love | VSO Harry Potter in Concert

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert!!!

A couple of weeks ago, I go to listen to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (VSO) Harry Potter series. This summer, the VSO did the third book in the series, The Prisoner of Azkaban, which happens to also be my favourite book and movie! I am so happy I was able to get tickets for Prisoner of Azkaban as I did miss book one and book two...super lame. 

Hi Hedwig!
I have gone and watched the VSO play numerous times in the past, so I was expecting something similar for Harry Potter. It was nothing like I imagined, completely different! The VSO played the score for the movie from beginning to end. The movie was projected onto a huge screen above the VSO, and the orchestra played the score live. The scenes from the movie felt so much more intense. We were sitting a few rows from the stage to the right, so by the double bases and cellos; therefore, we could feel the deep base reverberate through the floor. Honestly, it is so hard to describe the experience, you just had to be there to understand. 
This was my favourite book cover for the Prisoner of Azkaban
It is a bit of a shame that the audience was more focused on the movie being played and not so much on the orchestra playing, but the orchestra did receive a standing ovation at the end of the show. I really loved how this VSO series was designed. My friend and I were seriously confused when the movie began to play, but then we finally understood what was happening. Needless to say, it was a great surprise! Since this was a VSO production, there was an intermission which was nice as the seats in the Orpheum Theater are not the most comfiest as the facility is very old. I definitely needed those 15 minutes to just get up and walk around to loosen up. 

Prior to the show, we ventured upstairs where they had an exhibition set-up of rare books from the University of British Columbia library. It was really neat to see a few of the props used in the movie, signed copies and the various edition covers as well as a first edition! So that was just a cool addition to the show. 

I wish they were selling Luna's glasses. They are tres chic! Also just to the right is a Tiffany & Co. lightning book mark.
My suggestion for future VSO Harry Potter productions would be to come a little early so you can look at the exhibition of rare books. It is also a good time to pre-order drinks and food for the intermission. I most defintily will be pre-ordering at the next show because after enduring the huge line for the concession during intermission, we found out they had sold out of the popcorn. However, as the Orpheum is in the heart of downtown, we decided to head a few doors down to a pizzeria that sold by the slice. The show is later in the evening, so the pizza helped settle our growling stomachs. I also recommend trying to get tickets for the upper balcony and if you end up booking very late like me, then choose right stage as it was really good. Lastly, bring some cash because they had a little stand selling Harry Potter merchandise! I wish I had known because I totally would have gotten a wand ($50!), but I did have enough for the cute T-shirt. 

I cannot wait to join my fellow potterheads at next years' Goblet of Fire! Hope to see some of you there.


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