Sunday 29 March 2020

Blossoms, Spring & Physical Distancing in Vancouver

If I were asked what my favourite season would be, I would struggle to pick between spring and summer. I love the hot summer days that stretch well into the evening. With summer comes lots of outdoor adventures and travelling as well as festivities. However, living in Vancouver means we get to experience one of the most beautiful Springs. Outside of Japan, I swear Vancouver has the second-best cherry blossom season. 

March is a beautiful time of the year in Vancouver because the cold grey winter days turn into sunny spring days. Vancouver streets are dotted with fluffy pink cherry blossom trees of all varieties and need I say more? The days start getting longer and warmer and all the pink cherry blossoms make me happy and smile. 

Spring is also the time that we start seeing florists receiving fresh peonies and other beautiful spring blooms like anemones and ranunculus. Vancouver has lots of fruit and vegetable farms. The berries should be coming into season soon which means trips to Krause Berry Farms for all the hot berry waffles!!! 

Now Spring 2020 is not like years prior, in fact, it was the start of the global pandemic aka Corona Virus / Covid-19. I am sure we are all familiar with it now because it has drastically altered our lives. I never imagined that I would experience a global pandemic, but here we are. All of my favourite shops, boutiques and cafes are closed until further notice. There are no delicious spring pastries to sample or roaming the streets while soaking up the spring sunshine. The streets are empty and most businesses have closed their doors because "Social Distancing" or now re-worded to "Physical Distancing" is being enforced by the Canadian Health Ministry. 

It is a scary time and I really wanted to acknowledge it in a blog post as I do not want to completely ignore the pandemic on my blog, but at the same time, I do not want to make COVID-19 a prominent part of my future blog posts. We are all experiencing the effects of coronavirus. I want to continue keeping my blog, Pink Tea Latte, a fun positive space! I think we are all a little exhausted and drained from hearing every influencer constantly talk about it. I myself live and experience the effects of COVID-19 firsthand as I am an essential healthcare provider; therefore, it is constantly on my mind and it has taken a toll on me. It is scary going to work because the hospital I work at is the main hub for all COVID-19 related cases in the Lower Mainland. 

I do not know when all of our lives will return to "normal" nor can anyone give us a timeline of when physical distancing will be lifted. For now, continue with practicing hand hygiene, continue to maintain physical distancing and monitor yourself and loved ones for symptoms. I also want to remind everyone that physical distancing does not necessarily mean "home quarantine!" As long as you practice "physical distancing" you can go on walks, soak up that Vitamin D and enjoy the beautiful pink cherry blossoms because they will not be around for long! 


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