Friday, 24 April 2020

Spreading Support and Positivity for Healthcare Workers through balloons

I work at one of the busiest hospitals in BC and my windowless office is hidden in the subbasement of the building. Needless to say, I do not get any sunshine nor much foot traffic. I also begin work at 6AM aka when everyone is sleeping. So I arrive at work when it is pitch black out and do not see daylight until 2 in the afternoon. 

Last week, I walked out of work to a delightful sight. A local business had donated two massive balloon arrangements with words of encouragement and overall positivity during these uncertain scary times. I could not help but smile because the balloons were bright happy shades of colour and mixed in were some cute accent balloons like the rainbows with smiling clouds. Nestled amongst the balloons were beautiful messages done in gorgeous lettering. I wish my writing was that pretty! Seriously great penmanship. 

Thank You Healthcare Workers 
❤ We're In This Together 
Everything Will Be Okay  
♡ Hope 
Love + Unity 
♥ Together We Are Strong 

It is a reminder that something as simple as air-filled balloons is just as impactful as a massive grandiose gift because ultimately it comes down to the gesture itself. Enjoy the pictures. I had a lot of fun photographing them. 


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