Monday, 17 December 2018

Grounds For Coffee Cinnamon Bun Madness

Media preview for review consideration; all opinions are my own. 

When you are craving a cinnamon bun, there is no other place to go, but to Grounds For Coffee in Vancouver. Their cinnamon buns are iconic and are still made fresh to this day at their adorable little shop on 10th and Alma. If you are not on the West End of Vancouver, not to fret because you can still get your cinnamon bun fix at other cafes too. These swirly buns of goodness are available across the Lower Mainland and shockingly in Alberta too. Unfortunately they do not have a list of purveyors on their site, but maybe in the future they will compile a list. 

I have been treating myself to Grounds for Coffee's cinnamon buns since high school and I have yet to come across a comparable bun. Unlike other cinnamon buns that will be dry in areas, Grounds for Coffee buns are moist and soft throughout. Layer after layer you get the most scrumptious ooey-gooey cinnamon filling. It is sticky yet not overtly sweet. Their cinnamon buns are practically perfection as they have honed their bun making skills for over 25 years! Did I mention Grounds for Coffee sources the majority of their ingredients locally and their buns are devoid of trans fats, hydrogenated oils, bleached flour or preservatives. That essentially makes them a healthy snack right? 

Cream cheese frosting is the ultimate frosting and I can practically eat it with anything. In fact, I could eat cream cheese frosting straight out of the tub with a spoon because it is that good. So you bet I always have my cinnamon buns at Grounds For Coffee with their vanilla-bean cream cheese icing! It seriously takes the cinnamon bun to a whole new level and gives it an amazing creamy tanginess. 

Throughout the year Grounds for Coffee releases specialty seasonal buns. For Christmas this year, Grounds did a Chocolate Candy Cane Bun. The cinnamon buns are iced with a chocolate frosting and finished with peppermint bits. Personally I prefer their original bun with the classic cream cheese frosting. 

It baffles me that bakeries think flavour just means a different garnish. Swapping food colours or a handful of toppings really just not do it for me because those are garnishes and though they are integral to the overall dish, they should not be the only ingredient that makes the dish special. 

The Chocolate Candy Cane Bun could have been done far better than just chocolate flavoured frosting and crushed up candy canes on their original cinnamon bun. Cocoa powder could be added to the dough to create a chocolate bun and it could be finished with a sassy dollop of meringue peppermint frosting that is given a quick torch before receiving a dusting of pulverized peppermint candies. Now that would have been exciting to try! 

I am curious to hear your thoughts in the comments below!


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