Thursday, 29 October 2015

Savvy Student | Hallowe'en Costumes that Add to your Closet!

Hey Dolls!

Gosh, can you believe it, we are almost at the end of October which means Hallowe'en! True, I may be too old to go trick or treating, but you are never too old to dress up! I think it is absolutely silly to invest a large amount of money into a costume that you will only wear once because it is a total fashion faux pas to wear that exact same costume again next year. 

Be savvy this October 31st and use dressing up as an excuse to add new pieces to your wardrobe! Unless you really want to dress up as a fat pumpkin (aka me!). Pick a recognizable character or pop-culture icon and you will be surprised how easy it is to dress up like them. You may even realize how many items for the outfit you already have. 

Cute Minion | a pair of denim overalls + a yellow shirt + black gloves + cute pair of glasses 
Yup, an excellent excuse to add some denim dungarees to my closet. 

Wednesday Adams | little black dress + collared white shirt underneath
If you use an oversized white button up collared shirt, just slip on some white socks and you are Tom Cruise from Risky Business! 

Lady Gaga from the Telephone Music Video | black pleather leggings + black shirt + black leather jacket + empty coke cans to put in your hair
This is probably one of the only outfits of Lady Gaga's you will be able to do with a regular clothing because I am unsure if you will be wearing armadillo heels and a balloon dress to class. 

Ballerina | tulle skirt + cute top + ballet flats (that are criss-cross ankle lace ups!)+ do your hair in a bun
YES! I have been wanting to get a tulle skirt for so long and this may just be the perfect excuse to finally go out and get a fun tulle skirt. 

And if all else fails, just do it the mean girls way. 

Image taken from: 
Be prepared to sacrifice a white tank! "How many of you have felt personally victimized by Regina George?" Classic movie! I think I will be watching it this Hallowe'en! 

Let me know what you go as this hallowe'en! 


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