Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Geek Latte | Tokidoki Blindbox Unboxing

Hiya Dolls!

I am actually really excited to share this with you because I am absolutely flattered that Tokidoki - the company itself - sent me goodies in the mail! I practically screamed when they emailed me. For those of you unfamiliar with the brand Tokidoki, it is a Los Angeles based company. All of the designs are by italian artist Simone Legno! 

If you are a Tokidoki blind box fanatic like me, you already know that series 2 of Moofia and Unicorno Frenzies were released last month. In the package, I received 4 boxes of each series. But the biggest surprise has got to be the Latte plushie! They either read my blog or visited my instagram to know I love me a good latte, or they just got super lucky hehe. I am going to believe the former. The Latte plush is really soft and I appreciate that the facial expression and the word "latte" is embroidered onto the plushie. He also has beans in his feet, so if you prop him up against something, the Latte plushie will stand up on his own :) 

As always, Tokidoki's blind box graphics are gorgeous and well thought out. Inside, the figures were sealed in Tokidoki's iconic printed silver bags. I actually like the fact that the figures are double blind, so after opening the box, the anticipation only increases because you still do not know what figure you got! 

Starting with Moofia Series 2 because it is my favourite collection by Tokidoki. There are a total of 10 figures to collect, Coco-Latte being the chaser (1 in 50 chance of getting). The figures I want are Latte - no duh - , Moo Moo and Peachy Momo! 

From the four blind boxes, I unboxed two Herbies (the organic milk), Muscles and finally Moo Moo! I was bummed that I got a double especially since there were only four blind boxes. But Moo Moo definitely makes up for it! The little 4L jug design is so darn cute and I love the fact that he is a semi translucent creamy looking figure. They did a fabulous job getting the look of a real 4L jug! And muscles, oh I am in love with your strong biceps hehe The figures are of high quality with a  really good paint job. My figures do not have any paint smudges or marks. 

The Tokidoki Unicorno Frenzies collection is really cute and I was really happy that they sent me four to unbox from series 2! For such a small figure, the quality is amazing and the paint job is on point!!! I got really lucky and unboxed four new figures out of the 12 to collect. I am uncertain if there is a chaser figure for this collection. If you know, please let me know in the comments below! I unboxed Pixie, Cleo, Cornetto and Scooter! Out of the four, Scooter is probably my favourite because he is a cool super hero unicorno!!! I was hoping to unbox Sirena, but that is the fun of getting blind boxes. 

I did make a video of me unboxing the figures, but I had some trouble with my camera so the video is not that great. Not to mention that my camera died near the end... whoops, I definitely need to charge it more often. I have not decided if I am going to post the video or not just because I am not happy with how it turned out. You can even tell in the video that was I getting a little stressed that things were not going smoothly. So if you really want to watch it, then let me know in the comments below! 

Hope you enjoyed this review. Super stoked about the little MooMoo figure. He is probably the coolest vinyl figure ever! 


Disclaimer: The items in this post were sent to me by Tokidoki; however, all opinions in this post are completely my own and are not biased by Tokidoki. 

1 comment:

  1. Lucky duck! I love Unicorno! I'm currently obsessing over Yuki.

