Thursday, 4 June 2015

Edible Obsessions // archimallows!

Hello Dolls!
I am so happy that I have completed my physiology midterm because it has just been taking over my life... so that is why I have not been around as much :( 

But now that I can put away the physiology textbook and can finally leave my desk, I can explore more awesome and yummy delights! 

I was walking to Holt Renfrew in Downtown Vancouver when saw Archimallows pop-up shop! I could not help myself but take a million pictures of the beautiful hand-made marshmallows and share them all with you! They had so many cool flavours like tequila lime and black forest aka YUM! The best part of getting your mallows at the archimallow pop-shop is that they will toast you marshmallow! I repeat, toast your marshmallow with a handheld blow torch! We all know toasted marshmallows at camp are the best thing ever, so when you eat a toasted flavoured marshmallow, it is mind blowing! Crispy on the outside and soft and warm on the inside. The flavours just pop in your mouth. 

I had the Black Forest Marshmallow and my friend had gotten the Lemon Meringue. Both were delicious! 

However, my all time favourite marshmallows will always by the ones made by Butter Bakery! I may be a bit biased as I have been going to Butter all my high school years! Haha but Archimallows definitely are worth a try!


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