Saturday, 23 January 2016

Gurly's Life | Q&A a Day 5 year journal

Hi Dolls!

I kind of realized I should have done this probably around New Years, but oh wells. I wanted to share the Q&A a Day - 5 year journal with you! This is my second year using it, I did it for all of 2015 starting January 1st. 

It is just a neat little journal that has random questions, but now that it is my second year using it, it is fun to compare my answers from a year ago! Of course, things like your favourite colour, or what you had for breakfast may not seem very interesting to most, but it is kind of fun. We all change and it really highlights how much we change in just one year! 

Some questions are more personal like what your current aspirations are or what do you wish you had the courage to say to your parents. These definitely are great reflection questions to see if you achieved you goals or were able to take a step your were too scared to take. 

Either way, it is a fun journal and it honestly is a great way to just take 30 seconds to yourself every night and write down one thing. I actually look forward to it every night and sometimes I cheat and peak ahead and answer a couple of days together only if they are general! If they are questions specific to that certain day, I will not answer those in advance. 

I bought my Q&A a day journal from Chapters Indigo in Vancouver. I am pretty sure you can get it from amazon and other big book stores. 

Let me know if you think the Q&A a day is a neat idea? 


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