Saturday, 1 October 2022

Blogtober 2022

October is my favourite month. Granted I am biased considering I am an October baby, but you cannot deny October is the epitome of fall. The pumpkin patches are open, there is pumpkin spice everything and the weather is perfect for cozy oversized knits. The leaves are changing colour, so everything is warm shades of orange, reds and yellows. 

On numerous occasions I have challenged myself to do a month of blogposts and every time that I say I will, I fail spectacularly. Blogging is tough! Carving out time to write write interesting blogposts and editing pictures is not easy. I need to be in a certain headspace to write, so I cannot be exhausted from work or drained from the pain of a migraine. 

Luckily there is so much to do in October. Pumpkin patches to visit, apple orchards, fall fashion, events, Halloween, my birthday, so I should not have any shortage of content. I am also going to cheat by finally completing and publishing posts that have been gathering dust as drafts. 

If there is something fall related that you want me to review or try in the Vancouver-area, let me know!

My current plan is to go to several pumpkin patches. Visit the UBC Apple Festival. Share my pumpkin carvings and Halloween costumes. Do some fall baking. Plan my annual Birthday Brunch Bash! Cut off my pink hair because it is fall and pink is not it. Add some new sweaters to my wardrobe. Try out new workouts. Hoping to sneak in a trip to Seattle! 

Cannot wait to share my October adventures with you!


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