Sunday, 1 November 2015

7 Lattes + Wishes | November Wishlist 2015

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Hey Dolls!

On my birthday, my friends and family got me so many lovely presents, many of them were directly from my wish lists! It was really tough coming up with a wishlist for November since I have gotten everything I could ask for as well, I feel a bit greedy after just receiving so many fabulous presents! 

It took me quite a bit of time thinking of what I could possibly want, but I came up with some things! Some are silly, but I will always remain a child at heart, even at 22! 

With the start of November, sweater weather is officially here in Vancouver. The leaves are changing colour and covering the ground and the days are shortening. I want to stay cozy this fall and this gorgeous long sleeve turtleneck sweater dress from Aritzia is the way to go! Paired with a leather vest, it will give you the right amount of edge! To finish off the outfit, I want to get a pair of classic perforated slip-on sneakers in black leather by Vans. I know, a bit of an unusual choice; however, they are not only comfortable and practical when you are running errands all day, these slip-on sneakers are the new birkonstocks. I promise you! 

Now for the fun items. I have wanted a pug puppy as long as I can remember; however, my parents do not want a puppy and I live at home with them. Nothing can replace a lovingly adorable pug puppy, but this pug lamp is pretty darn rad! It will definitely put a smile on my face when I walk past it. To continue with my weirdness, I kind of want to get the wool felt Vancouver Pennant. I have one for Crofton House (my high school) and one for UBC so I might as well have one for the city I love and live in! 

Since getting my business cards, I have had no place to put them. I cannot put too many in my wallet and if I had those few out, then I do not have anymore until I grab a few more from home. I need to get a card holder - I feel so professional! - and this Hershel Oxford Wallet fits my style! Its not too flamboyant, but it is compact and chic. 

With the days getting shorter, means staying in and watching movies! Which means I need a pair of plaid flannel boxer pj shorts because looking cute is half the movie night :) 

Did any of my wishlist items make it onto your wishlist this month? Let me know in the comments below! As well if you are excited for sweater weather!!!


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