Sunday, 19 April 2015

Chic Life: Sympathy for the Skin Body and Hand Cream!!!

If you have been following me, you would know I finished my amazing Khiels Whipped Body Butter  which was OH SO AMAZING! It was given to me as a gift from my daddy and unfortunately it is out of my budget at this time to re-purchase! But that is okay because I have discovered Lush's Sympathy for the Skin Body and Hand Cream! Haha I am also a body cream connoisseur, I totally bathe myself in cream when I moisturize my body! Head to toe!!!! Haha

Oh My Goodness, I just cannot express to you in words the amazing scent this cream has. It is in no way an artificial smelling cream because it is not over powering. It is like a light banana with vanilla deliciousness! You honestly just have to go smell it in stores because I can guarantee you shall be walking out of the store with your own tub of amazingness! 

So how does the Sympathy for the Skin body and hand cream by Lush compare to Khiels Creme De Corps Whipped Body Butter?

Sympathy for the Skin is definitely a much lighter cream. Even in consistency you can tell. The Creme de Corps is a very thick whipped cream texture while the Sympathy for Skin is more liquid in texture. It also soaks into your skin much quicker then the Creme De Corps since it is a lighter cream. HOWEVER, it definitely does deliver the same softening and hydrating effect as the Creme De Corps. Therefore, there is less of a greasy residue lingering on your skin! Which is always a bonus because I do not like to put on a nice pair of nylons or pants when my legs are still sticky from a cream. 

I also like the fact that Lush's Sympathy for the Skin is FAIR-TRADE, the bananas are organic which are directly mashed into the cream! As well the vanilla is natural and fair-trade, probably why it smells oh so amazing! This product has an expiry of just over a year and does not require refrigeration. I do think during the hotter months I might store it in a cooler area or might even pop it in the fridge during the days! And lastly, once you have collected five black Lush containers, you can bring them in for a free Lush Fresh Face Mask

It is $26.95 for a 250g tub. Yes, it does seem pricy, but if you want amazing skin and know that you are not putting harsh chemicals onto your body, then you will definitely invest in this cream! Plus it lasts a year and I bet you will use it more knowing it expires in a year! Well, I know that I would not want it going to waste!

Side note - I really like how LUSH products come in these black tubs. Not sure why, but I like them! Plus you can scrape out every bit of the product easily!


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